Making Lives Easier for Seniors with Memory Loss

making-lives-easier-for-seniors-with-memory-lossWe don’t need to experience it firsthand to know that having memory loss makes accomplishing tasks difficult. Constantly forgetting where you are, what you’re doing, and why you’re doing them is surely demotivating and frustrating. Fortunately, Terrace Gardens, your adult facility in Grand Terrace, California, is here to help you!

We offer elderly care in California, such as meal planning and preparation, companionship, and homemaking services for seniors, especially those with medical conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease.

What do we know about Alzheimer’s? It is a progressive disease that causes gradual cognitive and behavioral problems in an individual. This usually occurs to seniors, which is why we have personalized care programs for them in our senior care facility.

How do our skilled caregivers deal with patients who have memory loss due to illnesses like Alzheimer’s?

  • We patiently help them remember what they can through appropriate exposure to some familiar stimuli, and then we write down that information for them.
  • We employ simplicity, repetition, and visual aids.
  • We flexibly assist them in accomplishing one task at a time in order not to overwhelm them with mess and too much information.
  • More importantly, we introduce ourselves, explain to them what we’re doing, and ask for their permission whenever we have to be too close to them such as during feeding time or when we’re helping them with their personal care needs to avoid misconceptions and to gain their trust.

We’re confident that by this time, we’ve already proven that we have this burning desire to help your senior loved ones. Thus, if you need caregivers who can passionately assist your elderly folks, we’re the best people for the job. Contact us!

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