Stop COVID-19 From Spreading in Your Area

Stop COVID-19 From Spreading in Your Area

The coronavirus spread quickly in a few weeks across the country last year. Hundreds become infected daily, and the poll never stops as our government continues the fight against this deadly disease.

How does COVID-19 spread?

The virus passes from a person to another through droplets that people produce. As per the CDC, close contact with carriers would likely spread it, especially when the infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or breathes. Health agencies strongly advise people to follow guidelines to keep yourself and your family safe from infection.

  • Be hygienic.
  • Wear protective masks.
  • Refrain from attending social gatherings at the moment.
  • Avoid close contact and stay at a 1-meter distance from each other outdoors or even inside an Adult Facility in California.

We want you to stay in a place where you can spend your seniorhood independently and with dignity. That’s why we offer a home where you can receive the best Elderly Care in Grand Terrace, California, and people that will protect you from any form of harm.

Terrace Gardens welcomes you wholeheartedly this 2021. We are committed to providing you with the exceptional Personal Care you deserve. Call us now!

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