The Common Myths About Hospice


Hospice care is a special kind of personal care for the terminally ill. It focuses on comfort, not cure.

But there are some common myths about hospice care that might make you think twice about sending a senior loved one to a hospice house.

  • The first myth is that hospice is only for cancer patients.

    While cancer patients make up a large percentage of hospice patients, many other illnesses qualify for hospice care including COPD, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, pulmonary fibrosis, and other terminal illnesses that cannot be cured by medicine.

  • Another myth is that hospice is only for people who are dying.

    Hospice can be provided at any time during a terminal illness regardless of whether or not you have a life expectancy of six months or more.

  • Lastly, many think that hospice only provides palliative care.

    In truth, it also includes physical therapy for muscle spasms and breathing treatments for respiratory-related diseases. Additionally, family members are provided with grief counseling to help them deal with loss in their way.

At Terrace Gardens, an adult facility in Grand Terrace, California, we strive to ensure that through our services, we can improve the quality of life for seniors by adding purpose, pleasure, and peace.

Call us and find out how we can provide you with meaningful elderly care in California.

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